It Pays to be Happy at Work
How would you like to be more successful at work? How would you like to be better paid?
What about being more engaged and energised – does that grab you? And what would it be like if Monday mornings were something you looked forward too?
If you already do then congratulations, you’re probably happy at work. If you’re not, then the good news is that you’re going to reap a whole pile of benefits as we show you how to be happier at work.
Jessica Pryce-Jones (author of Happiness at Work) conducted a large-scale study of more than 3,000 respondents in 79 countries and she found that the happiest employees are:
180% more energised
155% happier with their jobs
150% happier with life
108% more engaged
50% more motivated and
50% more productive!
The happiest employees took 2/3 less sick leave and spent 80% of their time doing what they were there to do compared with 40% by the least happiest.
It’s not just employers that are better off. According to Dr Sonja Lyubomirski (Ph.DS Psychology, University of California) people that are happy at the office have higher incomes, better outcomes and enjoy more success. In research published in 2005, Lyubomirski found that there was a much stronger causal link between happiness and success than between success and happiness – i.e. happy people become successful – not the other way around (though there is a bit of that). Or put it another way – if you’re miserable before you became successful you’ll be miserable afterwards (so don’t put it off your happiness :-> !).
Why then do employers (and let’s face it many employees) resist the notion of happiness at work? Why do they have a separate (and smaller) budget for wellbeing then they do for professional development? It’s because we think to be productive you also have to be serious and stressed. I call it the “George Costanza Myth” (see my earlier post for more). It’s the notion that successful people are harried, highly-strung and much too busy to have fun or to share a kind word with their colleagues.
In reality, maintaining a positive, uplifted, outward-looking and humourful state is much better for your work, concentration, memory and decision-making than a serious, stressed and/or narrow focus. It’s also better for your health, wellbeing, wallet, and success. So enjoy your life and your work – it’s good for you and it’s good for your organisation.
Follow me on LinkedIn to learn more about how to build your happiness and productivity, save time and stop stress.
Give yourself a top day.