About Cris

Have you heard about those guest speakers and facilitators who go on and on about how wonderful they are? And then tell you how they ‘discovered’ the answer and now you can have it too (at a huge cost)?

Well, that’s not Cris. He believes that kind of talk disempowers people. And we’re here to excite and incentivise your people. He also has a healthy respect that everyone’s path is unique. As such, you should “walk your own walk”.

What does Cris mean by this? He’s had struggles (and still does). And he’s made a few mistakes. In fact, he believes in making mistakes every day, to learn and grow. But Cris also believes in learning from others. His journey has taught him some valuable shortcuts. Shortcuts that can help you (and others) avoid some of the pitfalls he’s experienced.

Cris has shared a stage with the likes of the Dalai Lama, Brené Brown and others. Their inspiration shaped the successful wellbeing practises that Cris now brings to workplaces.

Want to stop staff burnout in its tracks?

Find out what one organisation did to relight their fire in three short months.

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    How to be an Employer of Choice

    For many years now, I have been facilitating Strategic Planning retreats for a variety of companies in a variety of industries in a variety of locations. On more than half of these occasions there has been a mention that organizations would like to be an “Employer of Choice”. Where the struggle has come from is determining how this is going to be achieved.

    Irrespective of the statistics (which support the following five points by the way), the feedback from executives and staff I have surveyed has been overwhelming.

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    These are what they desire most from a workplace and generally in this order:

    1. People want to be happy. As happiness is a state of mind, every effort should be placed on improving emotional health – and our Workplace Wellbeing Programs address this very issue.
    2. People want to work for an organization that has a purpose. The job and related tasks can be the worst in the world as long as the outcome is worthwhile. Everyone needs to focus on results.
    3. People want self-development and to feel they are a better person at the end of each day. Minimizing and managing stress levels are important factors to consider here.
    4. People want career progression. Everybody wants to be the boss someday and the younger they are the quicker they want to get there. Have clear and signed off expectations and make sure both parties stick to them.
    5. People want financial security. Many businesses are using their Workplace Wellbeing Program to value add. Placing a dollar value on one provides an incentive for existing staff to stay, as well as attract new ones, while keeping salaries lower.

    So, keep these things in mind if you want to be an Employer of Choice.