About Cris

Have you heard about those guest speakers and facilitators who go on and on about how wonderful they are? And then tell you how they ‘discovered’ the answer and now you can have it too (at a huge cost)?

Well, that’s not Cris. He believes that kind of talk disempowers people. And we’re here to excite and incentivise your people. He also has a healthy respect that everyone’s path is unique. As such, you should “walk your own walk”.

What does Cris mean by this? He’s had struggles (and still does). And he’s made a few mistakes. In fact, he believes in making mistakes every day, to learn and grow. But Cris also believes in learning from others. His journey has taught him some valuable shortcuts. Shortcuts that can help you (and others) avoid some of the pitfalls he’s experienced.

Cris has shared a stage with the likes of the Dalai Lama, Brené Brown and others. Their inspiration shaped the successful wellbeing practises that Cris now brings to workplaces.

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    Tag: wellness program funding

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    How Do I Get My Program Funded?

    One of the big problems that people have with the workplace wellbeing programs is “How do we get it funded?” 

    In order to get it funded, you need to convince your organisation of the benefit of having such a program and there are four (4) big benefits of having such a program.

    1. It is easier to attract staff. We know now that employers of choice have a really good programs for their staff.  One of the programs they often have is around a Wellbeing program.  So attraction improves.
    2. Once you have got your staff, the question becomes “How do you keep them?”, ie: retention. We also know that wellbeing programs help with retention and that organisations with a wellbeing program have better retention. 
    3. Once you’ve attracted the staff and are keeping them there, the next thing is getting them to turn up to work, ie: reduce absenteeism. Again we know that staff that are in wellbeing programs that feel well, are healthy and have less sick days are also more motivated to turn up at work. 
    4. Once you’ve attracted them, kept them, have got them turning up the last question is “how do you get them doing great work when they are turn up?” There is a term called presenteism (a HR management term).  This is where your staff turn up to work but they are not actually delivering, not engaging the work.  Again, we know that wellbeing programs are a way of encouraging engagement and motivation in the work place and people who do have good presenteism actually do good work when they turn up.
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    The four (4) key messages you need to get across to get the funding from your CEO is that a wellbeing program will increase attraction, increase retention, reduce absenteeism and increase presenteeism

    You will find it easier to attract staff, keep them and get them turning up (especially in this post-pandemic era) and doing good work when they do turn up.  What you should look as an overall benefit is that for every $1.00 that is spent on the wellbeing program there should be a $4.00 return (4:1 return).

    If you would like any help to make the case to your executive, let us know, we have some templates that you can use to help win them over.