About Cris

Have you heard about those guest speakers and facilitators who go on and on about how wonderful they are? And then tell you how they ‘discovered’ the answer and now you can have it too (at a huge cost)?

Well, that’s not Cris. He believes that kind of talk disempowers people. And we’re here to excite and incentivise your people. He also has a healthy respect that everyone’s path is unique. As such, you should “walk your own walk”.

What does Cris mean by this? He’s had struggles (and still does). And he’s made a few mistakes. In fact, he believes in making mistakes every day, to learn and grow. But Cris also believes in learning from others. His journey has taught him some valuable shortcuts. Shortcuts that can help you (and others) avoid some of the pitfalls he’s experienced.

Cris has shared a stage with the likes of the Dalai Lama, Brené Brown and others. Their inspiration shaped the successful wellbeing practises that Cris now brings to workplaces.

Want to stop staff burnout in its tracks?

Find out what one organisation did to relight their fire in three short months.

    The Importance of Sleep

    One of the first things that suffer when we are under stress is sleep. We have one of the three things happen. Firstly, we can’t get to sleep. Secondly, we can’t stay asleep. Or finally we wake up tired…as if we’d never been asleep in the first place.

    So why do these things happen?

    In the first place it’s because we have personal issues. These arise when we get home and overtake anything that may have happened during the day. The reason we have trouble staying asleep is because we have so much happening at work that we wake up in the middle of the night with solutions that we don’t have time during the day to deal with. And finally, we wake up tired because of a combination of the above, along with the inability to take time out to regularly calm our mind.

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    Here are 5 tips to help you get more sleep:
    1. Be careful about what you eat and drink before going to bed. It’s not a good idea to do either an hour before bedtime. Your body needs processing time before it shuts down.
    2. Turn off all electronic equipment well ahead of your bedtime. Some people have been known to use social media in bed.
    3. If you wake up in the middle of the night, don’t open your eyes. Forget all of the bull**** about making lists. If it’s important it will still be there in the morning. Meditate back to sleep.
    4. When it’s time to wake up, then get up and go. Don’t hang around in bed as the world awaits. Jump straight into a hot shower for 5 minutes, turn it onto cold only, and then GO.
    5. Sleeping during the day is OK. Nana naps, power naps, or midday matinees, are now an acceptable way of recharging the batteries. Sleep Pods are being installed everywhere.